Apr 6, 2010 by Lee Gaby
Essentials in School Law is a staff development program created by Rockdale County Schools General Counsel Jack Lance. It will be featured at the Council of School Attorney Conference in Chicago April 8. Dr. Herb Appenzeller has written an article about concussions which can be found in Featured Contributors section of Risk Central. The New York Times story about congressional legislation on school nutrition can be f...
Mar 17, 2010 by Lee Gaby
The Brain Injury Association of America has events scheduled from 10AM – 7:30PM today in Washington DC to raise awareness of Brain Injury Awareness Month. A briefing will take place at the Capitol Visitors Center titled, “From the Playground to the Pros: A Heads-Up on Concussion.” “Founded in 1980, the Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) is the leading national organization serving and ...
Feb 23, 2010 by Lee Gaby
State government leaders in Kentucky and Missouri promote February as Earthquake Awareness Month. It appears several other states have similar programs to call attention to seismic hazard and the potential for student injury and damage to public schools. For more about Kentucky’s efforts go to http://kyem.ky.gov/programs/earthquake/ and find Missouri information at http://www.dnr.mo.gov/geology/earthaware2010.ht...
Feb 14, 2010 by Lee Gaby
Across the country this week, school business officers will be participating in educational courses and worksessions with valuable risk and safety management content. The events also bring together representatives of school risk groups. The Public Agency Risk Managers Conference is being held in Sacramento CA, Feb 16-18. The Texas Association of School Business Officials meets in Ft. Worth, Feb 15-19, and features mo...
Jan 4, 2010 by Lee Gaby
America’s 50 million public school students are heading back to school. Administrators have been busy warming up class rooms and cranking up buses for the second half of the school year.