Feb 23, 2010 by Lee Gaby
State government leaders in Kentucky and Missouri promote February as Earthquake Awareness Month. It appears several other states have similar programs to call attention to seismic hazard and the potential for student injury and damage to public schools. For more about Kentucky’s efforts go to http://kyem.ky.gov/programs/earthquake/ and find Missouri information at http://www.dnr.mo.gov/geology/earthaware2010.htm
A report titled “Incremental Seismic Rehabilitation in School Buildings (K-12)” published in Dec 2002 by FEMA includes findings that may be of interest, including “School buildings in 39 states are vulnerable to earthquake damage. Seismic vulnerability depends on structural type, age, condition, contents and use of school buildings.” The US Geological Survey shows three zones of seismic hazard and the FEMA report states, “The scientific understanding of earthquakes continues to improve and has resulted in increased estimates of seismic hazard in various parts of the country over the last decade.”