District Members can get answers and helpful guidance quickly from one or more highly qualified school risk managers, also known as the "rapid responders". You can submit your question to our "rapid responders" at the link below or call the Institute staff. We will determine from the skills inventory and database who is most likely to have useful information, and forward your request. The staff will then compile responses, present the results back to you, and assist with follow up as needed. Direct interaction with "rapid responders" may be beneficial in some cases.
Associate Members should contact the staff representative of their risk group to initiate a request through the Institute.
The "rapid responders" possess the capacity to respond appropriately to most questions. The Institute staff will try to provide information on any item or subject related to new risks or challenges that may be emerging. A partial list of categories of interest is shown below.
If you don't see a technical skill or school subject, please send your request anyway. The Institute will keep expanding the main category list and maintains a sub-category list with several hundred subjects.
Any member of the Institute staff can help you get started with a request.
Members should be sure to provide profile information requested in the membership enrollment page. The Institute staff can help you take the steps to become a 'rapid responder'.