Michael Florio manages a risk management department that coordinates the defense of all claims arising out of the operation of a school district of more than 100,000 students, 16,000 employees, 1,100 buses and 400 service vehicles and defines, negotiates and places all coverages including Liability, Workers Comp and $2.2 Billion in Property. He chairs internal Level One Ethics / Employment Hearings, preps employees and witnesses for statements, depositions, or trials.
Prior to joining Dekalb School in 2006, Mike was the Risk Manager for the Private Practice Foundation of the Medical College of Georgia and served as the Property & Liability Claims Manager for the State of Georgia began for three years.
Mike founded and managed a private law practice for nine years from 1993 -2002 and specialized in contracts and litigation. He consulted to law firms, insurers and other organizations in the airline industry, handled complex construction defect and toxic mold litigation in California and reported directly to Lloyd’s on certain litigation matters.
Mike began his legal carrier in 1982 in private practice. In 1986, he was General Counsel for a regional airline carrier and represented them before the US Dept. of Transportation. He moved to Boeing Airlines where he served from 1987-1992 in the corporate risk management office as Manager, Aviation Contract Risks and Special Projects. He was involved in task forces and committees for Boeings Aircraft leasing, Commercial Aircraft Group Export Control and 777 Early ETOPS.
J.D. Loyola School of Law, Admitted: Louisiana Supreme Court and Federal Court, Eastern District Louisiana
B.A International – Political Science, University of New Orleans
Phone: 678-676-0232
Email: msymike@yahoo.com