Lee Gaby served as Executive Director of the Public School Risk Institute from September 2008- June 2012 He formed Association Risk Management in 2006 and provided independent risk consulting and management advisory services. He served as Director, Finance and Risk Management for the Georgia School Boards Association from 1993-2006. During this time, he guided the development and administration of two self-insurance groups and a facility lease-purchase program. Lee served twice as the chair of a group of school board association risk management officers from approximately twenty states. In 1990, he founded Oglethorpe Management Services and was responsible for advising two national brokers on matters involving public entities, managing a non-profit safety group serving Georgia local governments, setting up a managing underwriting agency for local governments and leading a team that launched the Georgia School Boards Association (GSBA) Workers’ Compensation Fund in 1993. From 1984-1990 he served as President of Southeastern Special Risk Services and also headed its division, Public School Underwriters. From 1980-1984, he was responsible for the underwriting and marketing activities of the Georgia Municipal Association’s sponsored property and liability insurance plan with Public Risk Managers. Lee began his public entity career in 1978 with the GMA.
BBA, Management, University of Georgia
Contact Info
Phone: (706) 715-3381
Email: leegaby@schoolrisk.org
Phone: (516) 393-2324
Email: lgaby@nysir.org