Feb 3, 2009 by Lee Gaby
The Institute has begun compiling a directory of school officials and risk group leaders who serve in institutional leadership roles across the nation. Included in the directory will be the members of the risk management committees of the Association of School Business Officials and its state affiliate chapters. In California, the executive director of the North Bay Insurance Group, Janet DeGracia, is past president and now treasurer of the California Association of Joint Powers Authorities.(CAJPA) Martin Brady, Executive Director of Schools Insurance Authority, is Vice President of CAJPA. The board of directors of the Association of Governmental Risk Pools (AGRIP) includes Donna Abersman, Alliance of Schools for Cooperative Insurance Programs, Steve James, Maryland School Boards Association Insurance Trust, Cheryle Mangels, Colorado School District Self-Insurance Pool, and Shaw Bubb, Montana School Boards Workers’ Compensation Fund.
Scott Clarke, risk manager for Miami-Dade Schools is treasurer of the Risk & Insurance Management Society. Ron Hayes, risk manager of Calcasieu Parish School Board Parish School District, is the president-elect of the Public Risk Management Association.(PRIMA) Mary Sue Linville of the Washington Schools Risk Management Pool is a PRIMA board member. Kathy Peeling, risk manager for Anne Arundel Schools, and James Huckaby, risk manager Mesquite ISD, are recent past presidents of PRIMA.
The Institute is seeking names of individuals to include in this directory. Please contact the Executive Director.