Feb 2, 2012 by Lee Gaby
The Institute invites organizations to be part of a coalition for effective bullying prevention initiatives. A mission statement and suggestions for action have been prepared by the Institute and are available on request. Coalition members will have access to resources and guidance, along with a Who’s Who in Bullying Prevention, compiled by the Institute.
The Coalition will have an exhibit table for attendees of the Georgia Association of Education Leaders Annual Conference, Feb 6; three meetings on this same day at different locations will introduce GA school leaders to Community Matters and the Safe School Ambassadors program. Community Matters is a nonprofit based in Santa Rosa CA that assists more than 1,000 schools with whole school climate improvement/bullying prevention. Other organizations involved with the Coalition exhibit and meetings include Awareity, D&D Consultants,Georgia Safe Schools Coalition, PublicSCHOOLWORKS and School Bus Safety Company.