Jun 9, 2011 by Lee Gaby
School administrators and leaders in school risk management nationwide are being invited to participate in the first-ever three week virtual conference which will occur July 12 – Aug 5. Registration will open shortly through Risk Central, including the agenda for sessions. These will be shorter than typical webinar sessions, with two planned each day. They may feature a panel to explain how an innovation solution is being used to help districts control the cost of risk. Sessions to bring awareness of distinctive efforts by districts and their school risk groups are planned. Moderators and hosts will also participate to help the audience share information and insights with the panelists. To find out more, please email Lee Gaby at leegaby@schoolrisk.org or call 706 715-3381 ext 781 or send a note to Jan Wright at janwright@schoolrisk.org Tentative Agenda will be available beginning June 22. There is no registration cost for the School Risk Summer Discovery Festival.