May 3, 2011 by Lee Gaby
Several leaders in school risk management are attending the Risk & Insurance Management Society Annual (RIMS) Conference in Vancouver, BC, May 1-5. RIMS is an international organization that serves some 10,000+ professionals across all industry and organizational sectors. For the first time ever, the president of RIMS, is a school risk manager, Scott Clarke, Miami-Dade Schools. He will be busy with many activities including a reception sponsored by the Canadian chapters of RIMS. One of the attendees for this activity who also represents school districts is David Beal, director of risk management for Ontario School Boards Insurance Exchange. (OSBIE). Dave George, San Francisco ISD and Richard Staudt, risk manager Seattle Public Schools were scheduled to attend the conference. Cindy Wilkerson, president, Sacramento Valley RIMS Chapter is on hand to help identify other public school district representatives. She plans to submit her chronicle of “a day in the life of the RIMS president” for readers of SchoolRisk News, LinkedIn and Facebook followers of the Public School Risk Institute.
Scott Clarke writes the “President’s Corner” for RIMS, his most recent post calls for aid to residents of Japan and tells of his experience in Tokyo during the March 11 earthquake here is the link: